Olympic Training Program

Are you ready?

Do you want to train with world class jumper Will Claye? We created this course to give eveyone access to the worlds greatest training program for jumpers. Start putting in the work today so you can be on the podium for your next event! ENROLL NOW
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Course Curriculum

  • 01
    Welcome to the course!
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    • Welcome to the Course!
  • 02
    Will Claye's Olympic Warm Up
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    • Olympic Warmup for Explosiveness and Injury Prevention: 10m Intervals
    • Olympic Warmup for Explosiveness and Injury Prevention: Dynamic Stretching
  • 03
    Will Claye's Plyometric Workouts
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    • Ploymetric Boxes: Box Drills Section 1
    • Ploymetric Boxes: Box Drills Section 2
    • Ploymetric Boxes: Box Drills Section 3
    • Ploymetric Boxes: Box Drills Section 4
    • Plyometrics: Bound Variety
    • Plyometrics: Hurdle Intervals
    • Plyometrics: Hurdle Maze
    • Plyometrics: Resistance Bands
    • Plyometrics: Resistance Bounds
  • 04
    Will Claye's Medicine Ball Workouts
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    • Medicine Ball: Circuit
    • Medicine Ball: Single Leg Passes
    • Medicine Ball: Step Over Drills
  • 05
    Will Claye's Proprioceptive Training
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    • Propioceptive: Circuit
  • 06
    Will Claye's Olympic Sprint Training
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    • Sprint training: 150m
    • Sprint training: Hill Sprints
    • Sprint training: Sled Pulls
    • Sprint training:Rythym Runs
  • 07
    Will Claye's Olympic Jump Drills
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    • Jump Drills: 20m Mini Hurdles
    • Jump Drills: Pre Jump Drills
    • Jump Drills: Sand Drills
  • 08
    Will Breaks Down his Best Jumps
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    • Will Jumping Breakdown: Long
    • Will Jumping Breakdown: Triple


  • Is this course only for long jumpers?

    No! This course is made for long jumpers, triple jumpers, and high jumpers. High jumpers will not have as much benefit due to the technical sections being tailored to long and triple jumpers, but the training is great for high jumpers as well.

  • What will I get in this course?

    You will get access to Olympic training course that Will himself trains with. Above is the sections you receive when you enroll.

  • How Long Do I Have Access To This Course?

    You will have lifetime access to this course.

  • If I am a coach can I use this program to teach my students?

    Yes, our goal is to give everyone access to the best training possible.